- 9 million numbers
- 900 numbers
- ABC soil
- Abiotic
- Abiotic stress
- Ablation till
- Absorption
- AC soil
- accretion
- Achene
- Achene
- Acid equivalent
- Acid mine drainage
- Acid soil
- Acid spoil/waste
- Acid tolerance
- Active Growth Period
- Active ingredient
- Active Ingredient
- Acuminate
- Acute
- Acute effects
- Acute exposure
- Acute toxicity
- Adapted To Coarse Textured Soils
- Adapted To Fine Textured Soils
- Adapted To Medium Textured Soils
- Adjuvant (or Additive)
- Adsorption
- Adventitious bud
- Adventitious roots
- Adventive
- Aeration, soil
- Aftermath
- Age-class
- Aggregate, soil
- Aggressiveness
- Air-dry weight
- Alien species
- Alkali (sodic) soil
- Alkaline soil
- alkalinity
- Alkaloids
- Allele
- Allelopathy
- Allergic effects
- Allopolyploid
- Alluvial cone
- Alluvial fan
- Alluvium
- Alpha,alpha-dipyridyl
- Alternate
- Ambrosia beetles
- Amphidiploid
- Anaerobic Tolerance
- Anchor point
- Aneuploid
- Angiosperm (Angiospermae)
- Angle of repose
- Animal day
- Animal unit (AU)
- Animal unit day (AUD)
- Animal unit equivalent (AUE)
- Animal unit month (AUM)
- Annuals
- Annual plant
- Annual ring
- Anther
- Antisiphoning device
- aphids
- Apical dominance
- Apiculate
- Apomixis
- Apparent trend
- Appressed
- Approximate Original Contour
- Aquic conditions
- Aquifer
- Arcuate venation
- Argillic horizon
- Arroyo
- Ascending
- Aspect
- Assembly
- Association, soil
- Astringent
- Autecology
- Autopolyploid
- Autotoxicity
- Auxin
- Available forage
- Available water capacity (available moisture capacity)
- Awl-shaped
- Axillary
- Backcross
- Backslope
- Backswamp
- Bacteria
- Bacterial wetwood
- Badland
- Bajada
- Band-seeding
- Band treatment
- Bare ground
- Bark sloughing
- Basal area
- Basal treatment
- Base saturation
- Base slope (geomorphology)
- beak
- umbo
- Bedding plane
- Bedding system
- Bedrock
- Bedrock-controlled topography
- Bench terrace
- Beneficial insects
- Berry/Nut/Seed Product
- Biennial
- Bioaccumulation
- Biodiversity
- Bioengineering
- Biological control
- Biomagnification
- Biomass
- Biotic
- Biotype
- Bipinnate
- Bisequum
- Bleeding
- Blend
- Blind cultivation
- Bloat
- Bloat
- Bloom Period
- Blowout (map symbol)
- Bole
- Boot stage
- boreal forest
- Borrow pit (map symbol)
- Botanical variety
- Bottom land
- Boulders
- Bracket fungi
- Bract
- Branching pattern
- Breaks
- Breast height
- Breeder seed
- Breeder's rights
- Breeding system
- Broadcast seeding
- Browse
- Browseline
- Brush
- Brush layering
- Brush management
- Brush mattress
- Brush trench
- Bunchgrass
- Buprestid
- Business Plan
- Butte
- Buttressed
- C-3 plants
- C-4 plants
- Cable yarding
- CaCO3 Tolerance
- Cactus
- Calcareous soil
- Caliche
- California bearing ratio (CBR)
- Calyx
- CAM plants
- Cambium
- Candle
- Canker
- Canopy
- Canopy cover
- Canyon
- Capillary water
- Capsule
- Carbohydrates, nonstructural
- Carrier
- Carrying capacity
- Catena
- Cation
- Cation-exchange capacity
- Catkin
- Catsteps
- causal factor
- Cement rock
- Center of diversity
- Center of origin
- Certified seed
- Chaining (Cabling)
- Channery soil material
- Chasmogamous
- Chemical treatment
- Chiseling
- Chlorophyll
- Chlorosis
- chlorotic
- Christmas Tree Product
- Ciliate
- Cirque
- Clay
- Clay depletions
- Clay film
- Clay spot (map symbol)
- Claypan
- Cleistogamous
- Climax (climax plant community)
- Climax plant community
- Cline
- Clone
- Clump planting
- C:N Ratio
- Coarse textured soil
- Cobble (or cobblestone)
- Cobbly soil material
- Cold stratification
- Cold Stratification Required
- COLE (coefficient of linear extensibility)
- Colluvium
- Combining ability
- Commercial Availability
- Commercial seed
- Common seed
- Community (plant community)
- Community type
- Companion crop
- Compatible
- Competition
- Complex slope
- Complex, soil
- Composite
- Compound
- Concentration
- Concretions
- Conduction
- Conglomerate
- Conical
- Conifer
- Coniferous
- conks
- Conservation cropping system
- Conservation District
- Conservation Field Trial
- Conservation tillage
- Consistence, soil
- Constructed wetland system
- Contact herbicide
- Contained
- Continuous grazing
- Contour stripcropping
- Control line
- Control section
- Controlled
- Convection
- Convex
- Cool-season plant
- Cooperative Agreement
- Coppice
- Coppice Potential
- Coprogenous earth (sedimentary peat)
- Corrosion (geomorphology)
- Corrosion (soil survey interpretations)
- Corymb
- cotyledon
- Council rake
- Cover crop
- Cover type
- Creeping fire
- Critical area
- Crop residue management
- Cropping system
- Cross pollination
- Crossing-over
- Crown
- Crown Cover
- Crown fire
- Crude fiber (CF)
- Crude protein (CP)
- Cryoturbate
- Cryptogam
- crystalline
- Cuesta
- Culm
- Culmination of the mean annual increment (CMAI)
- Cultivar
- Cultural evaluation
- Cultural practices
- Cuneate
- Cured forage
- Cutbanks cave
- Damping off
- Deciduous
- Decreasers
- Decurrent
- Deferred grazing
- Defoliant
- Defoliation
- deicing salts
- Delta
- Demonstration planting
- Dense layer
- Dentate
- Deposition tolerance
- Depression, closed (map symbol)
- Depth, soil
- Desert pavement
- Desertification
- Desiccant
- Desired plant community
- Dicotyledon (dicot)
- Dieback
- Digestible dry matter (DDM)
- Diluent
- Dioecious
- Dip slope
- Diploid
- Direct application
- District Seed Increase (DSI)
- Disturbed area
- Diversion (or diversion terrace)
- Diversity
- Divided-slope farming
- dolomite
- Dominant vegetation
- Dormancy
- Doubly serrate
- Drainage class (natural)
- Drainage, surface
- Drainageway
- Draw
- Drift
- Drill seeding
- Drought
- Drought Tolerance
- Drumlin
- Drupe
- Dry matter (DM)
- Dry matter intake (DMI)
- Early head
- Earthy fill
- Ecesis
- Ecocline
- Ecological niche
- Ecological optimum
- Ecological race
- Ecological response unit
- Ecological site
- Ecological status
- Ecological system
- Ecological type
- Ecophene
- Ecosystem
- Ecotone
- Ecotype
- Ecovar
- Edge effect
- Educational plantings
- Elliptic
- Eluviation
- Emulsifying agent
- Emulsion
- Endemic
- Endocarp
- Endosaturation
- Entire margin
- Environment
- Environmental range
- Eolian deposit
- Ephemeral stream
- Epicormic branching
- Episaturation
- Epithet
- Erose
- Erosion
- Erosion (accelerated)
- Erosion (geologic)
- Erosion pavement
- Erosion surface
- Escarpment
- Escarpment, bedrock (map symbol)
- Escarpment, nonbedrock (map symbol)
- Esker
- Evapotranspiration
- Evergreen plant
- Exotic
- Exposure
- Extrusive rock
- Facultative weed
- Fall Conspicuous
- Fallow
- Fan remnant
- Fascicle
- Fertility Requirement
- Fertility, soil
- Fertilizer
- Fiber
- Fiberschine
- Fibric soil material (peat)
- Fibrous root system
- Field Evaluation Planting (FEP)
- Field moisture capacity
- Field Plantings (FP)
- Field-scale increase
- Fill slope
- Fine textured soil
- Fire
- Fire Resistant
- Fire Tolerance
- Fire Triangle
- Fire whirls
- Fireblight
- Firebreak
- Fireline
- Firm seed
- First bottom
- Fissures
- Fixation
- Flaggy soil material
- Flagstone
- Flare-up
- Flood plain
- Flood-plain landforms
- Flood-plain splay
- Flood-plain step
- Flood tolerance
- Flora
- Flower Color
- Flower Conspicuous
- Fluvial
- Fodder
- Fodder Product
- Foliage
- Foliage Color
- Foliage Porosity Summer
- Foliage Porosity Winter
- Foliage Texture
- Foliar cover
- Follicle
- Food reserves
- Foothills
- Footslope
- Forage
- Forage allowance
- Forage production
- Forb
- Forest cover
- Forest type
- Forestland
- Foundation seed
- Fragipan
- Fresh weight
- Frost crack
- Frost Free Days, Minimum
- Frost-free period
- Fruit
- Fruit/Seed Abundance
- Fruit/Seed Color
- Fruit/Seed Conspicuous
- Fruit/Seed Period Begin
- Fruit/Seed Period End
- Fruit/Seed Persistence
- Fuelwood Product
- Furrowed
- Gene bank
- Gene flow
- Gene frequency
- Gene pool
- Genesis, soil
- Genetic diversity
- Genetic drift
- Genetic engineering
- Genetic erosion
- Genetic flow
- Genetic pool
- Genetic shift
- Genetic vulnerability
- Genotype
- Geographic range
- Germination
- Germplasm
- Gilgai
- Glabrate
- Glabrescent
- Glaciofluvial deposits
- Glaciolacustrine deposits
- Glandular
- Glaucescent
- Glaucous
- Gleyed soil
- Globose
- Graded stripcropping
- Graminoid
- Grass
- Grass-like plant
- Grass tetany (hypomagnesemia)
- Grassed waterway
- Grassland
- Gravel
- Gravel pit (map symbol)
- Gravelly soil material
- Gravelly spot (map symbol)
- Graze
- Grazing cell
- Grazing cycle
- Grazing period
- Grazing pressure
- Grazing season
- Grazing system
- Green chop
- Green manure crop
- Green manure crop (agronomy)
- Grex
- Ground cover
- Ground water
- groundwater
- Growing season
- Growth form
- Growth Form
- Growth rate
- Growth Rate
- Growth rings
- Gully (map symbol)
- Habitat type
- Half-shrub
- Hard bedrock
- Hard to reclaim
- Hardwood (hard wood)
- Hardiness
- Hardpan
- After Harvest Regrowth Rate
- Hay
- Head slope (geomorphology)
- Heartwood
- Hedge Tolerance
- Hedging
- Heel-in
- Height at Maturity
- Height at Base Age, Maximum
- Hemic soil material (mucky peat)
- Herb
- Herbaceous
- Herbage
- Herbage allowance
- Herbivore
- Herbivory
- Heritability
- Heterosis
- Heterozygous
- High-residue crops
- Hill
- Hillslope
- Hispid
- Historic climax plant community
- Homozygous
- Horizon, soil
- Horizontal bundles
- Horticultural annual
- Humus
- Humus layer
- Hybrid
- Hybrid vigor
- Hydrologic soil groups
- hydrology
- Ice-cream species (plant)
- Igneous rock
- Illuviation
- Imbricate
- Imperfect flower type
- Impervious soil
- Improved pasture
- In vitro
- In vitro digestible dry matter (IVDDM)
- In vivo
- Inconspicuous
- Increase plantings
- Increasers
- Incurved
- Indicator species
- Indigenous
- Infestation
- Infiltration
- Infiltration capacity
- Infiltration rate
- Initial Evaluation (IE)
- Initial increase
- Insecticide
- Intake
- Intake rate
- Inter-Center Strain Trial (ICST)
- Interfluve
- Interfluve (geomorphology)
- Intermittent stream
- Internode
- Interplant
- Interseeding
- Introduced
- Invader
- Invaders
- Invasion
- Invasive plants
- Invasive species
- Iron depletions
- Irrigation
- Jointed
- Kame
- Karst (topography)
- Killing frost
- Kind
- Knoll
- Known Allelopath
- Ksat
- Lacustrine deposit
- Lake plain
- Lake terrace
- Lanceolate
- Landfill (map symbol)
- Landslide
- Large stones
- Lateral bud
- Lava flow (map symbol)
- Layering
- Leaching
- Leader
- Leaf area index
- Leaf margin
- Leaf Retention
- Leaf scar
- Leaflet
- Leggy
- Legume
- Lenticel
- Levee (map symbol)
- Life form
- Lifespan
- Lignin
- Limited generations
- Linear extensibility
- Liner
- Linkage
- Liquid limit
- Litter
- Loam
- Local native
- Local population
- Lodging
- Loess
- Long Range Plan (LRP)
- Low Growing Grass
- Low-residue crops
- Low strength
- Lumber Product
- Main stem
- Major Land Resource Area(s) (MLRA)
- Management-intensive grazing (MiG)
- Management site potential
- Marl
- Marsh
- Marsh or swamp (map symbol)
- Mass movement
- Masses
- Mast
- McLeod tool
- Meadow
- Meander belt
- Meander scar
- Meander scroll
- Mechanical treatment
- Medium textured soil
- Memorandum of Understanding
- Mesa
- Metamorphic rock
- Microclimate
- Mine or quarry (map symbol)
- Mine spoil
- Mineral
- Mineral soil
- Minimum tillage
- Miscellaneous area
- Miscellaneous water (map symbol)
- Miscible liquids
- Mixed grazing
- Mixture
- Moderately coarse textured soil
- Moderately fine textured soil
- Moisture Use
- Moisture, wet basis
- Mollic epipedon
- Monocotyledon (monocot)
- Monoecious
- Mop-up
- Moraine
- Morphology
- Morphology, soil
- Mott
- Mottled
- Mottling, soil
- Mountain
- Muck
- Mucky peat
- Mucronate
- Mudstone
- Mulch
- Munsell notation
- Native grazing land
- Native plant
- Native species
- Natric horizon
- natural community
- Naturalized plant
- Naturalized species
- Naval Store Product
- Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS)
- Needle
- Neutral detergent fiber (NDF)
- Nitrate poisoning
- Nitrogen Fixation
- Nitrogen (N)
- Node
- Nodule
- Nodules
- Non-protein nitrogen (NPN)
- non-tidal wetlands
- Nonselective herbicide
- Nose slope (geomorphology)
- Noxious weed
- Nurse crops
- Nursery Stock Product
- Nutrient, plant
- Oblique
- Oblong
- Obovate
- Obovoid
- Off-Center Evaluations
- On-Center Evaluations
- Open pollination
- Opposite
- Organic matter
- Outwash
- Outwash plain
- Oval
- ovary
- Ovate
- Over-seeding
- Overgrazing
- Overstory
- Ovoid
- ovule
- Paddock
- Palatability
- Palatable Browse Animal
- Palatable Grazing Animals
- Palatable Human
- Paleoterrace
- Palmate
- Pan
- Parent material
- Pasture
- Pasture carrying capacity
- Pasture planting
- Pasture renovation
- Peat
- Pectinate
- Ped
- Pedestaled
- Pedisediment
- Pedon
- Peduncle
- Pendulous
- Percolation
- Perennial
- Perennial water (map symbol)
- Perfect (flower type)
- Performance Trial
- Pericarp
- Permafrost
- Persistent
- Petiole
- pH
- pH, Maximum
- pH, Minimum
- pH value
- Phase, soil
- Phenology
- Phenotype
- Phloem
- Phosphorus (P)
- Photosynthesis
- Phytomass
- Pilose
- Pinnate
- Pioneer species
- Piping
- pistil
- Pith
- Pitting
- Plain
- Plan of Operations (PO)
- Plant association
- Plant code or symbol
- Plant community type
- Plant growth curve
- Plant growth regulator
- Plant moisture content
- Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA)
- Plant vigor
- Plantation
- Planting Density Per Acre, Maximum
- Planting Density Per Acre, Minimum
- Plastic limit
- Plasticity index
- Plateau (geomorphology)
- Playa
- Plinthite
- Plowpan
- Poisonous plant
- Polycross
- Polygamo-dioecious
- Polygamo-monoecious
- Pome
- Ponding
- Poorly graded
- Population
- Population genetics
- Pore linings
- Post-emergence
- Post planting
- Post Product
- Potash (K20)
- Potential native plant community
- Potential natural community
- Potential rooting depth (effective rooting depth)
- Pre-emergence
- Pre-planting
- Precipitation
- Precipitation, Maximum
- Precipitation, Minimum
- Prescribed burning
- Pristine
- Productivity, soil
- Profile, soil
- Project
- Project statement
- Propagated By Bare Root
- Propagated By Bulbs
- Propagated By Container
- Propagated By Corms
- Propagated By Cuttings
- Propagated By Seed
- Propagated By Sod
- Propagated By Sprigs
- Propagated By Tubers
- Propagule
- Proper grazing use
- Proper use
- Protein, crude (CP)
- Protein Potential
- Prussic acid
- pubescence
- Pubescent
- Pulaski
- Pulpwood Product
- Pure line
- Pure Live Seed (PLS)
- Purity
- Quiescence
- Race
- Radiation
- Range condition
- Range condition class
- Range degradation
- Range or rangeland
- Range retrogression
- Range seeding
- Range site
- Range site degeneration
- Rangeland
- Ration
- Reaction, soil
- Reclaim
- Reclamation
- Recovery
- Recurrent selection
- Red beds
- Redoximorphic concentrations
- Redoximorphic depletions
- Redoximorphic features
- Reduced matrix
- Registered seed
- Regolith
- Rehabilitation
- Rejuvenation
- Relative feed value (RFV)
- relative humidity
- Release
- Released variety
- Relict
- Relief
- Reseeding
- Residuum (residual soil material)
- Resinous
- Resistance
- Respiration
- Resprout Ability
- Rest
- Restoration
- Reticulate
- Revegetation
- Revolute
- Rhizobia
- Rhizome
- Rhombic
- Rill
- Riparian
- Riparian community type
- Riparian ecosystems
- Riparian species
- Riser
- Road cut
- Rock fragments
- Rock outcrop (map symbol)
- Root Depth, Minimum
- Root wad
- Root zone
- Roots
- Rotational grazing
- Roughage
- Rufous
- Rugose
- Rumen
- Running fire
- Runoff
- Saline soil
- Saline spot (map symbol)
- Salinity Tolerance
- Salt tolerance
- Sand
- Sandstone
- Sandy spot (map symbol)
- Sapric soil material (muck)
- Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat)
- Saturation
- Scale
- Scalping
- Scarification
- Schizocarp
- Seasonal carrying capacity
- Seasonal utilization rate
- Sedimentary rock
- Seed
- Seed, certified
- Seed certifying agency
- Seed, hard
- Seed inoculation
- Seed lot
- Seed Per Pound
- Seed purity
- Seed scarification
- Seed Spread Rate
- Seedbank
- Seedbed preparation
- Seedhead
- Seedling Vigor
- Selected class release
- Selection
- Selective herbicide
- Senesce
- Senescence
- Sequum
- Seral
- Seral community
- Seral stages
- Sere
- Series, soil
- Serrate
- Sessile
- sessile
- Setose
- Severely eroded spot (map symbol)
- Shade tolerance
- Shade Tolerance
- Shale
- Shape and Orientation
- Sheet erosion
- Short, steep slope (map symbol)
- Shoulder
- Shrink-swell
- Shrub
- Shrub-coppice dune
- Side slope (geomorphology)
- Silica
- Silica-sesquioxide ratio
- Silt
- Siltstone
- Similar soils
- Sinkhole (map symbol)
- Sinus
- Site index
- Slickensides (pedogenic)
- Slide or slip (map symbol)
- Slope
- Slope alluvium
- Slow refill
- Slow water movement
- Small Grain
- Smoldering fire
- Snag
- Sod
- Sod seeding
- Sodic (alkali) soil
- Sodic soil
- Sodic spot (map symbol)
- Sodicity
- Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR)
- Soft bedrock
- Softwood
- Soil
- Soil application
- Soil bioengineering
- Soil incorporation
- Soil injection
- Soil separates
- Soil sterilant
- Soil texture
- Solum
- Source-identified seed
- Species composition
- Spoil
- Spoil area (map symbol)
- Sprout
- Spur
- Stage of maturity
- Stalked bud
- Stamen
- Stand
- Standard plant
- Stem
- stigma
- Stocking density
- Stockpiling
- Stolon
- Stomata
- Stomatiferous
- Stone
- Stone line
- Stones
- Stony
- Stony spot (map symbol)
- Strain
- Strath terrace
- stratification
- Stream terrace
- Striate
- Strip grazing
- Stripcropping
- Strobili
- Structure, soil
- Stubble
- Stubble mulch
- Study
- Study plan
- style
- Subcordate
- Subopposite
- Subsessile
- Subshrub
- Subsoil
- Subsoiling
- Subspecies
- Substratum
- Subsurface layer
- Succession
- Sucker (suckering)
- Sulfate
- Sulfide
- Summer fallow
- Summit
- Sunscald
- Suppressed
- Surface layer
- Surface soil
- Surfactant
- Suspension
- Sward
- Swath
- Symbiotic nitrogen fixation
- Synergism
- Synthetic variety
- Tacking/Tackifying
- Tailing pond/tailing dam
- Tailings/tailing impoundment
- Talus
- Taproot
- Taxadjuncts
- Temperature, Minimum (°F)
- Terminal bud
- Terminal moraine
- Terrace (conservation)
- Terrace (geomorphology)
- Terracettes
- Testcross
- Tested Seed
- Tetraploid
- Texture, soil
- Thin layer
- Till
- Till plain
- Tiller
- Tilth, soil
- Toeslope
- Tomentose
- Topcross progeny
- Topsoil
- Torching
- Total annual production
- Total digestible nutrients (TDN)
- Toxic Spoil/Waste
- Toxicity
- Trace elements
- Translocated herbicide
- Transplant
- Tread
- Tree
- Tree or brush revetment
- Trend
- Trifoliate
- Trilobed
- Truncate
- Trunk
- Tuber
- Tuff
- Two ranked
- Type
- Umbel
- Undesirable species
- Upland
- Usable forage
- Use groups
- Valley fill
- Variegation
- Variety
- Varve
- Vegetation type
- Vegetative
- Vegetative Spread Rate
- Venation
- Veneer Product
- Vertical bundle
- Very stony spot (map symbol)
- Vesicular
- Vigor
- Warm-season plant
- Water bars
- Water table
- Water tolerance
- Wattle
- Weathering
- Weed
- Weed barrier material
- Well graded
- Wet spot (map symbol)
- Wetland communities
- Wetlands
- Whorl
- Wildlife habitat
- Wildlife value
- Willow bundle
- Wilting point (or permanent wilting point)
- Windbreak
- Windbreak suitability group
- Windrow
- Windthrow
- Wolf plant
- Woody
- Xeric
- Xylem
- Yield