Make Frog and Toad History
Be part of the longest running citizen science amphibian calling survey in North America. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is looking for volunteers to lend their ears for the Wisconsin Frog and Toad Survey.
The survey was initiated in 1981 as a response to known and suspected declines in the 1960s and 1970s in numerous Wisconsin frog species. The project’s goals are to determine the status, distribution, and long-term trends of Wisconsin’s twelve frog and toad species.
Since 1984, volunteers have contributed over 8,300 survey nights and 83,000 site visits. During this time, citizen scientists have helped DNR conservation biologists define the distribution and population trends of all 12 frog and toad species in the state.
Volunteers sign up to take one of the available Wisconsin Frog and Toad Survey routes. Just look for one of the green marked routes at the Wisconsin Frog and Toad Survey’s website. If the route you want is not available you may ask to be placed on a waiting list for future years as requested routes or counties become available.
If you are interested in volunteering contact the department’s Wisconsin Frog and Toad Survey Coordinator for further information.